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Ludlow Public Schools


As a school district, we utilize formative and summative academic data to identify the needs of our students, our schools, our grade levels/departments, and our overall district. Identifying these needs in the short term allows us to take action and provide the necessary support and interventions for our students in the moment when they need it.  Analyzing data trends over time helps us to identify to where to allocate our financial and human resources to support instructional and curriculum practices over the long term.  

The same is true for the non-academic needs of our students as well.  We use this information to better understand our students more holistically to ensure that we provide an environment within our schools in which students are mentally and emotionally available to learn.  

An important way of getting that non-academic data is through student surveys. We ask our students to participate in a survey about their experiences at school to provide invaluable insights on how we can improve and adapt our district to their needs. The survey questions ask students to self-reflect on emotional regulation, self-efficacy, and self-management.  

The survey tool that we use is from Panorama, a Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education approved, third-party vendor. Panorama uses research-based indicators of students' on-track or at-risk status in academics, behavior, and attendance, thus affording us the opportunity to get a more complete picture of a student's progress across multiple data sources. These results are for district use only.

In addition to being an approved research-based survey instrument, Panorama also provides our staff with access to age-appropriate lesson plans, interventions, video-guided practices, and interactive activities from leading curriculum providers who specialize in SEL, behavior, literacy, math, and more.  The convenience of having immediate access to research-based strategies through the  Panorama Playbook allows our teachers to reinforce their own training or provide insight into new territory in a timely manner so as to make a difference for their students in real-time.    

Panorama Surveys at LPS

For Grades 3-12, this will be an online survey that students will be completing at school.  The questions should take no more than fifteen minutes to complete. If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, they will be able to skip the item altogether. 

For Grades K-2, your child's teacher will be completing a 4-question observation form regarding your child's in-school experience.

To fully inform you of the process, we are providing you with copies of the surveys in advance. Please click on the links below to view each survey:


*Please contact Kristen Bunten, District Healthcare Coordinator, at 413-583-5685, ext.4321, with any questions or concerns.