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Ludlow Public Schools


School Choice

2024-2025 School Year

The Ludlow School Committee, at their meeting held on January 9, 2024, voted to accept School Choice applications from students residing in the state of Massachusetts, and interested in attending the Ludlow Public Schools.   All applications must be returned in person to the Superintendent's Office on or before Friday, April 12, 2024

Please be sure to complete all of the required information before returning the application. Parents will be notified of the results of the lottery via a letter from the Superintendent's office on or before  Friday, May 3, 2024. Transportation is not provided for students attending our district under this program.  You are responsible for transporting your child to and from the school in a timely manner.  

There are no available school choice seats for 2024-25 school year at this time.


General Information
The Massachusetts School Choice Program was instituted in order to allow parents to send their child(ren) to schools in communities other than the city or town in which they reside. The Ludlow Public Schools participates in this program.  The School Choice Program allows a parent to enroll his or her child in a school district that is not the child's home district. 

Tuition is paid by the sending district to the receiving district. Every year the school committee in each school district decides whether it will accept new enrollments under this program and, if so, in what grades. Notice on the availability of Ludlow Public Schools School Choice slots will typically be announced in January, on the LPS website in the Parent Information section.

Selection and Eligibility
Each year, the Ludlow School Committee studies the anticipated enrollment for the coming school year and decides if they will accept new School Choice students.  If the School Committee decides to accept new School Choice students for the upcoming school year, they also decide how many new students and what grade level(s).  Applications will only be accepted for students entering the grades where openings are available.  

 If more students apply than there are spaces available, the District will hold the lottery pursuant to General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 76, Section 12B, Paragraph J, to select students for enrollment in the School Choice Program.  Applications that are received in a number in excess of the available openings will be placed on a waiting list. 

Applicants that are placed on a waitlist must reapply in subsequent years; waitlists do not carry forward from one year to the next.  Students that are accepted to attend the Ludlow Public Schools, may continue their educational career until they graduate or voluntarily decide to withdraw.

Application Process
Parents who want to enroll their child(ren) under School Choice must follow the application process. Ludlow Public Schools requires the submission of a School Choice application. The completed application must then be returned in person to the Superintendent's Office located at 205 Fuller Street. A sibling of a child currently attending Ludlow Public Schools under the School Choice Program will receive preference in the admissions lottery. Parents will be notified in writing of the lottery results.

Enrollment Agreement
Once your child is accepted into the Ludlow Public Schools under the School Choice Program you do not have to reapply each year. If during your tenure as a student in the Ludlow Public Schools under the School Choice Program, M.G.L. c. 76 §12B, you move into the city of Ludlow and become a resident, please notify Mrs. Beth Foye  at the Central Registrant’s Office immediately at 413-583-5695.

All students enrolled under the School Choice Program:

  • Are eligible to participate in the same programs and activities as resident students.
  • Eligibility for interscholastic athletic competition will be determined by the rules of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA).
  • Are subject to all rules and regulations of the Ludlow Public Schools.
  • Are responsible for their own transportation to and from school and transportation needs that result from participation in athletic, extracurricular and after-school activities.
  • Are considered students in the Ludlow Public School District through 12th grade.


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