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Ludlow Public Schools


School Safety & Emergency Response

The Ludlow Public Schools have robust safety and security systems and protocols in place to maintain secure buildings and safe school communities. We work very closely with our town partners - Ludlow Fire, Police, and Health Department- on prevention, preparedness, and response to a wide range of scenarios.


Training and Drills

The district has established protocols for addressing a range of crises and emergencies. Each year, staff are trained in emergency procedures to ensure that new staff, as well as veteran staff, are prepared to handle any emergency. Each school has an emergency operations plan with step-by-step directions for responding to a variety of situations. An emergency procedures reference guide is in every classroom for easy access to the three main types of responses that would be employed in our schools. Staff and students in all schools practice these emergency procedures and protocols regularly. As is done for all safety drills, the practice is tailored to grade levels, using developmentally appropriate language and discussion topics.

Definitions and Procedures

There are terms that you may hear from your students as they practice the safety drills at school. To provide you with context and specific vocabulary, below we have provided definitions of the words most frequently used in an emergency. These words help to communicate the specific nature of the emergency and the actions that should be taken.

  • Evacuation - This response is used when there is a fire or other unsafe internal condition. Students and staff evacuate to designated assembly areas.
  • Shelter in Place - This response is used when there is an issue in the school or the community where we want to restrict movement or clear the hallways.  Students and staff stay inside classrooms with little or no use of hallways or common areas. External doors may be locked based on the specific situation. Instruction will typically continue.
  • Lockdown -This response is used when there is an internal security threat. Students and staff are hidden and quiet in locked and darkened classrooms.

What Families Need to Know 

Plans Are In Place - Emergencies are unexpected, unpredictable, and take many forms.  No one can be fully prepared for everything that may happen, but we do have response plans in place that are based on the latest research.  

Safety Team - The district's Safety Team consists of district and school administration, police and fire administration and personnel, Ludlow Community Center/Randall's Boys & Girls Club, and St. John's School administration. We meet monthly throughout the year to discuss plans and strategies, training and drills, and reflect on previous or potential situations.  Between meetings, our administrators and counseling staff work closely with police and fire regarding specific situations.  

We Have A School Resource Officer - LPS and LPD have a formal partnership regarding the placement of a School Resource Officer (SRO) in our schools in order to promote a positive school climate and school safety. Officer Nate Goodrow is a certified SRO and has been a welcomed member of our school teams since his arrival last year. 

Parent/Family Notification - In the event of a school emergency, we provide information directly to the people impacted, as quickly and safely as we can.  Parents/families of students who may be impacted by a situation will be contacted directly via phone call, text, and/or email.  The message may be short:  there is a situation, their child is safe, and the authorities are handling it.  A follow-up message may be provided directly to those parents/families, as well as a general one to the school community. Information will come from the superintendent, the principal, or the police.  Personal accounts or retelling of events on social media are not reliable sources of information and the resharing of them could potentially harm students or staff and jeopardize school or police investigations.

Reunification Site: It is critical that you are patient, follow all the instructions, and only come when instructed by school or emergency officials. In the event of a school evacuation, students and staff may be transported to an alternate location.  You may be asked to meet at your child’s school or at another nearby facility. You will be required to present proper identification prior to the release of students. Please be aware that students will only be released to people whose names are listed as emergency contacts. 


Prepare in advance . . . 

Get Connected
Make sure we have your current phone number (for phone calls and texting) and email address so we can reach you quickly with an automated call, text, or email about an emergency situation. Update your contact information with your school office.

Like and Follow us on Social Media
Check our Facebook and Twitter feeds for the latest information and updates. 

Bookmark our website
For certain events we will post the latest available information on our homepage and will also create broadcasted alerts which will pop up on the necessary websites. Check back frequently for updates and instructions on when and where you can pick up your child if parent pick-up is necessary.


If something happens ...

Don't rush to the school
Coming to school may put you or your child at great risk. Additional people on the scene distract first responders from their primary job – student safety. Instead, check our website, Facebook or Twitter feed, your email, or your phone for information and instructions.

Don’t call the school or district office
Resources are stretched thin during emergencies. Incoming calls take away from our ability to get updates to you through our website, email, and phone calls.


Stay Connected

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