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Ludlow Public Schools


Grade K-12 Registration

Contact Information for Grades K-12 Registration
 Beth Foye

Central Registration Office 

 Harris Brook Elementary School

209 Fuller Street - Ludlow, MA 01056

 Phone: 413 583-5031 ext. 6 between 8:30 AM-3:30 PM Monday through Friday

Registration Procedure

The LPS registration procedure for students in grades K-12 is to be completed online via the Aspen Parent Portal.  
The online form will not be uploaded correctly to the ASPEN database if completed using all capital letters.
Registration MUST be completed using a computer/laptop and not a mobile device. 
To complete the registration process, all parents/guardians are required to schedule a brief in-person appointment with Mrs. Foye at Harris Brook Elementary School when all forms are uploaded.
If your child currently attends the ECC/Pre-K Program at East Street School, their information is already in the Aspen Student Information System. Therefore you will NOT be required to complete the online registration process.
If you are planning to enroll your child in a private kindergarten, please notify us via the following email address - 
If needed, please contact Beth Foye at the Central Registration Office to schedule an appointment to complete the registration process using a computer/laptop and scanner in the Registrar's Office at Harris Brook Elementary School during school hours.
Please click HERE to view a helpful “how-to” document with directions on the steps to register your child online.
If you need to create an Aspen account, please click on the link below to navigate to the Aspen website, following the instructions found HERE.


aspen portal click here to access


As part of the online registration process, you will be required to upload the following documents to your Aspen account (directions included in the above link). Screenshots are not acceptable.

  • proof of residency 
  • long-form birth certificate that lists parents' names
  • immunization records and current physical exam
  • proof of a lead test required (kindergarten students only)
  • most recent report card
  • court/legal guardianship/ custody documents (if applicable)


Age Requirements
 The School Committee has adopted the following age requirements for our public schools:

  • 5 years old by September 1st to enroll in Kindergarten. If your child is currently attending the East Street Preschool Program and ready to enter kindergarten you are NOT required to register your child for Kindergarten. If you are planning to enroll your child in a private kindergarten, please notify us via the following email address - 
  • 3 years old by September 1st to apply for the Ludlow Integrated Preschool Program.


Special Education

  • Once the registration packet is returned and residency is proven all Special Education records including a copy of the most recent evaluations and signed Individual Education Plan (IEP), if applicable must be brought to the Special Education Department at Central Office, 209 Fuller Street Ludlow, MA 01056.
  • Please call the Special Education Office with any questions: 413-583-8372 ext. 1216 and speak to Beatrice Paradis, Administrative Assistant.


Transportation Information
Transportation information can be found by clicking HERE.


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