Free Preschool Screenings
The Ludlow Integrated Preschool offers free screenings on a regular basis. A free screening can help determine if a child is achieving developmental milestones. Screenings assess areas of development, such as: language, fine motor, gross motor, visual memory and cognition. Screenings are for Ludlow residents who are at least three years old at the time of the screening. Please call 589-9121 for an appointment.
The Ludlow Public School District (LPS) offers an integrated preschool program for three and four-year-old children residing in Ludlow; three half-day integrated classrooms and one full-day integrated classroom. There is a limit of fifteen students per class, including no more than eight typically developing children and no more than seven children with a disability. Each classroom is staffed with a certified special education early childhood teacher and a classroom paraprofessional.
If you are considering the LPS Preschool Program for your son and/or daughter and would like to schedule an appointment to learn more about the program and visit the classrooms please call Andrea Pineau at 589-9121 during the hours of 9:00 AM-2:00 PM.
LPS Preschool Program offers
Monday - Friday MORNINGS 8:45am-11:15am
Monday - Friday AFTERNOONS 12:30pm-3:00pm
Monday - Friday FULL DAY 8:45am-3:00pm
Goals for the Preschool Program
Promote early literacy skills.
Develop each child as an individual.
Growth toward physical, emotional, social and intellectual maturity.
Provide a caring, supportive and fun filled environment by using developmentally appropriate learning activities designed to reach students individual goals.
Thank you for considering sharing your child with us in our Integrated Preschool Program at the East Street School. If you are interested in enrolling your child as a peer in our integrated preschool program for the 2025-2026 school year at East Street School, you must fill out this Pre-Registration form.
Once the form is completed, it will secure your child's spot in the cue. Students will be enrolled in the program on a first-come, first-served basis to fill all available slots.
Families who have secured a spot for their child in our 2025-2026 school year program will be emailed a link to our online registration.
If your family is emailed the online registration link, it must be completed by the given due date. If registration is not completed by the due date, you will lose your child's preschool slot, which will be given to the next family in cue.
Please note that a non-refundable $50 deposit and signed tuition agreement are required to complete the registration and accept your child's slot for the 2025-2026 preschool enrollment.
If you have any questions, you may contact Andrea Pineau, preschool secretary, at 413-589-9121 or
The tuition cost of the program is $18.00 per day, for each half-day session or $36.00 per day, for each full-day session. For those who qualify, the LPS does offer a sliding fee tuition scale, which is based on family size and income. Applications for this scholarship funding are part of the registration packet. Children with disabilities who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) are not charged tuition.
For all peer students, a tuition agreement is required and can be found HERE. Please fill out and return the tuition agreement to the LPS Business Office located at 205 Fuller Street, Ludlow, MA 01056, or email, so that your child can be enrolled or continue to attend.
For all families of peer students looking to see if they qualify for a Sliding Scale Tuition, please click HERE.
Preschool Screenings
Prior to enrolling your child in this program, you must register your child for a developmental screening that will take place at East Street School. Click here for further information regarding the screening process. The screenings are scheduled by appointment only. Please call Andrea Pineau at 589-9121 between 9:00 am-2:00 pm to schedule a screening.
Enrollment in our program is first come, first served; meaning once a child has been screened, the main office has all registration paperwork and there is an opening, the child's name will be placed on a classroom roster. If there are no current openings the child's name will be placed on a waitlist for an available opening. Parents will be contacted when an opening is available.
Child Find Procedures
It is the responsibility of the Ludlow School District to locate, identify, and evaluate any child who, is a resident of Ludlow, and may have a disability. Referrals are generated from various sources (parents, physicians, school programs, Early Intervention, etc.). Evaluations may include speech, fine motor, gross motor, and/or school psychological evaluations. For further information contact Alison Morgan, Student Support Services Supervisor at 413 589-9121.
Each classroom is taught by a certified special education early childhood teacher and is supported by a classroom paraprofessional. The program also offers support to students who have special needs, including: Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Speech & Language Pathologist, Teacher of the Deaf, Teacher of the Visually Impaired, Licensed Social Worker, and Board Certified Behavior Analyst.
Parents are responsible for transporting their child to and from the preschool program daily. IEP Teams determine whether transportation services are required for students with special needs.